After months of work and time investment, we are finally happy to share with you the result of our last social project, the “We Dial 112” song, which will hopefully help many children in an emergency situation to do the right thing.
The story of this song began with a call from KIM Verlag in October 2021; the publisher was looking for sponsors for the colouring book “Erste Hilfe für Kinder” (First Aid for Children) of the Förderverein der Luftrettungsstation “Christoph 2” in Frankfurt am Main e.V. (Friends’ Association of the Air Rescue Station “Christoph 2”).
Enthusiastic about this campaign on this important topic, the idea was born not only to simply give the book to the children of the neighbouring school in our street, but also to write and compose a song for the book and have the children of the Hostatoschool Frankfurt sing it.
We engaged the singer and songwriter George Philippart, known from “The Voice of Germany”, as project manager. A casting was organised in which 60 children took part, 21 of whom were selected. After rehearsing, they went to the recording studio and the film studio. As a reward for their hard work, the children were allowed to visit the Christoph2 air rescue station and an ambulance at the BG Unfallklinik Frankfurt am Main GmbH.
Enjoy listening to the song, watching the amazing video and please help it reach many children! So share it.
The BestIP Team