APRAM conference

Michael Best will speak on July 2, 2021 in Paris at the APRAM (Association des Practiciens dur Droit des Marques et des Modèles – https://apram.com/) conference on « Parasitisme et concurrence déloyale, succédanés de la PI en droit comparé : Une réalité ? – Une avancée pour les titulaires de droits ? »(“Parasitism and unfair competition, IP substitutes in comparative law: A […]

May we present? Simon Knoll.

Simon Knoll studied law at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main and at the University of Szeged, Hungary. During his time in Hungary in 2015, he first came into contact with the field of intellectual property (IP) in the context of a seminar work in digital copyright law.After completing his first state examination, he participated in a […]

World Environment Day

Today is World Environment Day! Environmental protection is an important  issue for BestIP! Not only is it reflected in our corporate philosophy and our daily actions such as “think before you print”, but also in our voluntary commitment and financial support of international animal and environmental protection organisations such as WildlifeAct! Make a contribution to protecting our planet too!